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My School, My Pride/ Notebook Distribution



The annual notebook distribution drive, a unique longitudinal program has evolved as a flagship initiative of Aviratha. This program is part of the Aviratha’s larger involvement in value addition to primary education and infrastructure development of schools. Following are salient features of the program.

What does Aviratha provide?

Provision of all variety of note books and stationery required for one full academic year

Who are beneficiaries?

Children studying in Government schools located in socio-economically backward regions or government schools composed largely of children from socially disadvantaged groups. 

How are books provided?

In January of every year, Aviratha begins a survey of potential beneficiaries and calculates required resources. Beneficiaries are notified about the intervention prior hand through school teachers. In following July, teams consisting of volunteers delivery books directly to every child in their schools.

How many have benefited so far?

Dependent on donations, about 20,000 new students have being added annually. Once included, no school till date has been left in following years of the program.

How is the program funded?

The program is largely dependent on public donations raised annually. Corporate entities also donate in larger values and are acknowledged on wrappers of note books. To ensure continuity of program and longitudinal assurance to beneficiaries, Aviratha has setup a corpus fund exclusively for this program. Interest earned through this corpus is being used to fund the program as well.  

What are unique features of this program?

  •  All varieties of books provided
  •  Annual continuity
  •  Direct to beneficiary
  •  Zero administrative and logistic costs

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